Sunday, April 29, 2012

Over the jet lag... Week 2

I was so happy to see how many of you read my 1st blog, and even happier to hear that it didn't bore anyone to death ;-).

Just wrapping up my 2nd week here in India and took me nearly a week to get over my jet lag and feeling like I'm settling in.  It was an interesting week and I thought about how to best share it with decided to try to categorize:

A test in patience...
When I visited India last August, I ordered pizza (from Domino's) and encountered some issues when I asked for a pizza with just mushrooms.  I was told that they didn't have just mushroom pizza, so I think asked what types of pizzas they did have.  The first one they mentioned was a pepperoni & mushroom pizza--yeah, I thought the same thing and was about to ask "how about a pepperoni/mushroom pizza w/o the pepperoni?", but I refrained and ordered the pizza as is.  Well, fast forward to this past week.   I asked the hotel for a pizza place recommendation, and they give me the number for Pizza Hut ;-). Well, I didn't think my first pizza experience in India could be topped, BUT I was wrong.  I called Pizza Hut and it took me 20 minutes to order a plain cheese pizza!  Not because they couldn't understand my order, but because 1) it took two people to understand my name--I didn't know "Keith" was such a difficult name, and 2) when I told them I was staying at the Westin, they proceeded to ask me a hundred questions about landmarks around the Westin--keep in mind that I gave them the address and even asked if they delivered to the Westin, which they answered "yes, no problem sir".  After I got off the phone, 15 minutes later the driver calls and starts asking me all these questions, which I couldn't understand and I think we're done--not because he says "bye", but b/c he just hangs up.  Then a minute later, another person from Pizza Hut calls.  For the life of me, I have no idea what they were asking...and then this one hangs up and a minute later someone from the hotel staff is at my door w/ my pizza.  I think I'll be picking up my pizza from here on out.

Since being out here, I've definitely gotten hooked on a couple things: Fanta Orange pop and Naan.  I could quite possibly live on both of them the rest of my time here.  The Fanta has saved me a couple times this week while trying a new food and finding out it was way too spicy for me.  And today I was eating some naan and thought "I need to bring some of this to the President of Taco Bell--I could only imagine the wonderful things they could do with it."

I'm also really taking a liking to this dish called Dal Makhani, which is black lentils simmered with tomato and butter--it doesn't look too appealing, but it's delicious.
I also have gotten hooked on this show called "I Shouldn't Be Alive", which is on the Discovery channel and is about individuals who've encountered near death situations, but have lived to talk about it.  I know, probably not the cheeriest of shows, but it's more addictive than watching a weekend marathon of "Intervention".

I also experienced a couple firsts this past week. 
- For those of you who know me, you know it was just a matter of time before the my Costco size supply of Immodium came in handy.  Well, I guess there's even a term for it called "Delhi belly", even though I'm in Hyderabad.  Luckily it was just a 24hr thing, but I won't got into those details, but referring to my blog last week--those baby wipes came in handy.  Don't worry, no pictures to share with you on this experience.

- I encountered my first "road cow" the other day. The driving/streets are CRAZY with walkers, bikers, Tuk-tuk's, cars, tractors, you name it and it's on the roads...and there doesn't seem to be any method or pattern to the madness, BUT a cow walking down the street, well everyone gets out of the way.  It was pretty hilarious to witness, and all I could think about was a steak ;-).

- I also went apartment hunting on Saturday and had prepared myself to keep an open mind.  I was pleasantly surprised by the options I saw.  I had informed the relocation team that I would be fine with a 1 bedroom apt., but they said it is very rare to have 1 bedroom apts. in India--most were 2 or 3 bedrooms b/c the whole family lived there, including grandparents.  I looked at about 10-11 apartments and selected my top 3 choices and am waiting to hear back on next steps.  They were all in gated communities, which I found is pretty typical, and my only ask was that there was a swimming pool and a western style toilet in the apartment.  Here are a couple pictures, but I'll include more when I decide on one.


I didn't quite know how to categorize this story, but I think it's the funniest thing I've heard/witnessed since I've been out here.  We have a guy who works in our office...he's simply called the "office boy".  I even asked a co-worker what I should call him and they said, "you can just call him office boy"--REALLY?  And the first thought that popped into my head was Chris Farley (may he RIP) playing in a movie called "Office Boy--The Indian Dream".  He comes to my office every morning to ask if I need anything and takes my water bottle and fills it up.  I realize this doesn't sound very funny, and is probably very normal to people in the offices here, but I can't help but think how wrong it is to just call someone "office boy".  And yes, I'll get a picture of him and post it in a future blog, so keep your eyes peeled for the next mention of the office boy.

Deep-ka Thoughts by Keith...
- When ordering pizza in a foreign country, tell your name is Tom--it's easy to understand.
- man's dinner, another man's deity.
- A wise and very true saying-- "what goes in, must come out." (Could be the tag line for the 'delhi belly')

Until next post...take care and thinking of you all!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

My first week in it's HOT!! -- Week 1

For those of you who don't know the story, I moved to Hyderabad, India a week ago on an 18 month international assignment for work. I had only been to India/Hyderabad once, and that was back in August to check the city/office out. And although India probably wouldn't have been my top choice for an international assignment, I figured it would be an adventure and a great opportunity to work/travel in a part of the world I wasn't familiar with at all. Yes, it was very tough to leave family and friends from the states--especially my dog Chewy...

But 18 months will fly by and I'll be back in the states before you know it--at least that's what I told myself to work up the courage to head to live in a foreign land on my own, with very little knowledge of what lies ahead.

SO, the reason for this blog...I was posting updates on Facebook and chatting with friends/family via email and on Skype ('keith.auer' is my Skype name by the way--add me as contact), and thought that it'd be easier to create a blog to share updates, funny stories, bizarre thoughts and probably LOTS of inappropriate comments (i.e. two days ago I notied that really smelled like b.o., but it was a different b.o. than I had in the states--it was almost like my b.o. took on the scent of India if that's possible).  I also wanted to share photos of my time/experiences, especially for those who aren't on Facebook (you know who you are).

This is my first blog, so I have no idea what people find interesting, but definitely open to your thoughts/comments.  Even if no one reads my blog, I figure it will be cool to look back at it down the road to remind me of this experience...but I do hope people will read it ;-).

I arrived in Hyderabad last Saturday, April 14th @ 3am...probably not the best time to arrive in a city/country you know little about.  It all worked out and after a very grueling flight in business class on Emirates (Seattle to Dubai = 14 hrs., Dubai to Hyderabad = 3.5 hrs)...
I was expecting to have some issues at the airport with either my luggage (8 bags), finding my driver, customs or melting before I left the airport, BUT no big issues at the airport, which was a great way to start off the move.  Unfortunately the place they had arranged for me to live temporarily was was another story.  The airport was about a 20 min drive to my place and as we started to get closer, I was expecting to see the hotel, or at least some form of life around it, but when he turned down this dirt road, I thought he was going to throw me out and take off w/ all my stuff... At the end of this dirt road was the glamorous Mandava Suites (not).  The room was actually a lot nicer than the outside/surroundings, and the staff was super friendly, so I figured I could "rough" it until I found an apt. of my own.  Of course it was 3:30 in the morning and dark as hell, so I had no idea what was around, so I decided I'd unpack and before I knew it, the sun was coming up and this was my view from my back window/porch...
Yes, that's a little tent city in my backyard and the couple that lives in the one closest to my room were brushing their teeth and going to the bathroom when I looked out--"MORNING" I said ;-). 

It was all good--I was in a new country and keeping an open mind, but I did have my limit, and on the 4th night of being woken up at 2:30am by a pack of wild dogs just outside my window, I reached that limit.  Seriously, I think that couple might have been running some secret Hyderabad dog fighting ring in that area.  Regardless, they moved me to The Westin...

I know some of you are probably thinking "spoiled American traveler", well, I thought the same thing and then I walked into my suite and said "who the f*#% cares...this rocks!"  So I'm slumming it here at the Westin--and yes, that's a swim up bar in the pool! 

Work is going great and as I mentioned on Facebook, I always get really nervous on 1st days (school, work, dates, etc.), so I couldn't have been happier that my team took me out to lunch and then surprised me a 'Welcome to India' cake.  I'm going to learn a lot from this career opportunity...and will hopefully leave the team/organization in a better place than when I arrived.

This blog is starting to drag, so going to wrap up, and don't worry, not all my posts will be this long or dry, but wanted to set the context.  And I figure that by starting out w/ a really sucky post, it can only improve from there!  A couple more pics--tonight (Sat.) I went out to my first authentic Indian restaurant with some new friends I met.  The place is called Sholay, which is supposedly this VERY famous Bollywood film that ran in theaters for 5 straight years...which is crazy.  Needless to say, I'll be renting that to see how a movie can last 5 yrs in the theaters.

I was thinking of a way I can end all my posts and this is what I came up with...

  • Best thing I brought with wipes--you'd think for a country whose food is probably going to make you shit buckets, they'd have some quality toilet paper!
  • Whoever created bobble heads must've visited India and got the inspiration
  • I will never lose my temper again while driving in the states and passing an Indian driver going to slow--I'll just be happy if he's actually staying within the lines on the road.
  • And lastly, any of you who were horrified at Michael Jackson holding his baby over a railing should probably not come to India b/c you would freak seeing how kids are transported on motorbikes here--no kidding, the other day I saw 5 people on 1 bike...and no, there weren't any sidecars!
Until next time..."Stay Sunny Hyderabad"!!  Miss you all!