Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Bathrooms -- Week 6

I debated on writing a post this week, as it was a pretty uneventful week.  Besides enjoying an "American" day yesterday--going to see Men in Black 3 (great movie by the way), walking around a mall and then eating nachos and a hamburger (made w/ ground beef) at Chili's, the only thing that really struck me this week was so random, that I didn't even think it warranted a post--bathrooms in India.  But, since I was obviously moved enough to actually take pictures, I figured I'd share them and my thoughts...

I realize that I've only visited large cities in India (Delhi, Bangalore and Hyderabad) so far, but one of things I was told to be aware of was that the bathrooms could be a bit of a shock to someone from the states.  I was told that there were holes in the ground and if you needed to go #2, you better have strong legs and the ability to remain in a squatting position as long as need be.  In fact, I got some advice from a couple friends this past week (thanks Ken and Bennett) that I should start doing wall sits and squats, to build up those muscles, and the ability to remain in that position without feeling like you were going to pass out.  I'm sure once I start traveling to more rural areas in India, I'll find out what it will be like hover over a hole and say "bomb's away"!  But until then, I can honestly say that I'm really enjoying the bathrooms I've 'occupied':
I've seen these signs in quite a few bathrooms--simple concept, but what a great idea for the states to ensure that if someone finds shit on floor, they may actually contact someone to have it cleaned up!

This is pretty typical to what I've found in all 3 cities, either in restaurants, the offices or bars.  I know you've all shared this following thought, or something similar, on the standard stalls in the states where the partitions don't go all the way to ground and there's sometimes a big gap in the door.  Here's the're out at a restaurant or at work, and you have to use the bathroom, so you select the cleanest stall and do your business.  The whole time you're hoping that someone else doesn't walk in the bathroom and sit in the stall right next to you because you have no interest in seeing another set of feet dangling there, or worse yet, hear any sounds come from that stall.  It's normal to want to have privacy when you're doing your 'business' and that is why I'm loving the bathrooms I've experienced so far.

And although it's kind of tough to make out this photo, if you look closely, you'll see that the figure on this bathroom door is actually an alien.  I thought that was the coolest thing I'd seen and am kicking myself to not walk around the corner to see what the door to women's room looked like!

That's all I got this week...bathrooms!

Deep-ak Thought's by Keith -
- There's a reason they call it a "courtesy flush" considerate of your stall neighbors


  1. Thanks for writing even on a slow week because I believe aliens probably need directions to use western bathrooms, remember Keith they don't use bathrooms every day. :-). We all miss you!

  2. I especially like the reminder to "leave the toilet the way you would appreciate others leaving it for you." Does that mean I should leave ultrasoft toilet paper, a crossword puzzle & a cocktail??? Cuz I sure would like that...
