Sunday, June 24, 2012

Weekend in Bangkok -- Weeks 9 & 10

Thinking my blogs are going to be coming every other week as time seems to be flying by more quickly now...perhaps it's also b/c I'm starting to have a bit more of a social life ;-).

Last weekend I took a long weekend to Bangkok, Thailand.  I left Hyderabad @ 1am Thurs. 6/14 and arrived in Bangkok @ 6:15am Thursday...only a 3 hour flight, so easy flight--the worst part is still keeping the patience while 8 (yes 8) different people asked to see my boarding pass.  I just do not understand the reasoning for it--I mean, what are they really looking for? Are they just curious if I'm sitting in an aisle or window seat?? 
What an amazing place! I posted my pics on Facebook, so you can all of them there if interested in checking out.  Thanks to my friend Ken for giving me a list of places to check out while there--they were the tourist hot spots, but definitely worth visiting...
Grand Palace -
Easily one of the grandest, most beautiful places I've seen.  The buildings were beyond description--gold, jewels, colors, statues...everything was created with such detail.  I bet one of the doors alone in any of the buildings would be worth more than my condo in Seattle!  Check out the last line on the plaque below--love it.

I think I mentioned this before, but when you travel alone, I think you're more observant of your surroundings, and especially the people.  It was hard not to notice all the Asian ladies were using umbrellas--even though there wasn't a cloud in the sky...that's why an 80 year old looks 50 ;-).

Luckily the city was pretty easy to get around because having to rely soley on taxi drivers would've been pretty difficult...hardly any of them speak English and they know I don't speak Thai, but that doesn't stop either of us from trying to have a conversation.  And the ones that do speak English, don't seem to want to be bothered and are completely content just sitting next to their car and will just refuse to take you or tell you to take a bike boy.  I guess that was good b/c after a couple cabbies refused to take me, or just couldn't understand, I took a bike boy.

And although I wasn't planning it--by the end of my trip, I think I had taken every form of transportation in Bangkok- walking, bike (motor and pedal), taxi, bus, Tuk-Tuk, sky rail and...elephant!

Other things I did while in Bangok--Floating Market, Elephant Ride, Bangkok Zoo, visited largest mall in Thailand and ate lots of sushi--including a pizza sushi roll (awesome)!
Floating Market
 Elephant Ride
 Bangkok Paragon Mall Food Court
 Bengal Tigers at Zoo
 Amazing pizza sushi roll

It's always tough to go back to work after fun trip/weekend, but returning to the office the day after I got back and finding this waiting for me...made it much more bearable!

Besides missing family and friends, there are certain things (mostly food) that I miss...some of them are things that I had as a kid and didn't even think they still made any longer.  So I'm going to start a new section in my blog called "Great Finds"...obviously it won't make it into every blog, but as I find things throughout my travels, I'll share--

Great Finds --
 I think this was the drink of Neil Armstrong! I bought a huge bucket of it and forgot how amazing this stuff -- basically orange crack!

You know I bought 2 boxes of this stuff!! I haven't seen this cereal on the shelves in years...I don't remember that coyote on the box though, but still tastes great!
This has been a staple of mine since the college years and I hadn't seen them in any stores...until I went to this place called Q-Mart, which is known for having foreign foods.  It's now my favorite store in Hyderabad!
This is a non-food GREAT find...I was flipping through the channels the other day and found "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" on tv, BUT wait, it gets better, it was on all weekend on this channel, so that made me a very happy camper b/c it's probably the funniest tv show ever (right after Seinfeld and probably tied w/ Cheers and 30 Rock).

Not necessarily a "great find", but definitely a "must find"...after doing wash for the first time at my place a week and a half ago, I realized the importance of having fabric softner when they don't have dryers in India.  Yes, you heard me right, no dryers.  So I was talking to my sister Coll, and she asked "So what do you do? Hang them outside or inside?" Oh Coll, yes, they did wash clothes before they had dryers ;-).  Now I just need to figure out when to add it to the wash.

Sorry no "Deep-ak Thoughts by Keith" this blog folks--it's 8pm on Sunday night and it's tough to concentrate on writing with "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" on...episode 'Mac and Dennis break up'. ;-)


  1. Happy Belated Birthday Keith! Looks like you're having a great time! Safe travels on your next adventure over there!!!

  2. Thailand is so much fun!

  3. I am not comfortable with you moving to every 2 weeks for a blog posting just because you are getting more social. Your friends miss you and want to know how you are so you can blog shorter although we would like you to keep it up.
