Sunday, July 8, 2012

Delhi & Bangalore -- Weeks 11 & 12

Happy belated 4th of July to everyone!  I hope you all enjoyed a day or two off...while I was working here in India ;-). 

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to two of my nephews--
Dawson - July 3rd

Trent - July 12th

CONGRATULATIONS to Chad and Michelle for getting hitched on June 30th! --

And lastly, my Uncle Connie had a major surgery this week (July 5th) and I've heard that he pulled through it and doing well--get better soon Uncle Connie!!

Work...and more work!
This blog post is not going to be very fact, you might as well stop reading it now because besides me ranting about India's airports again, and reminding everyone that Taco Bell is da bomb, there's not going to be much in this post.  Sorry if I let you down, but I can't just make up stuff...well, I guess I could, but that would defeat the purpose of sharing my experiences through my eyes with you. 

I traveled to both Delhi and Bangalore the past 2 weeks for work.  We have offices in both locations, and I actually have 3 people who report to me sitting in Bangalore, so I'll most likely go out once a month to check in with them.  And NO, it's not only because there's a Taco Bell there...but that's definitely a perk!

As I mentioned above, I continue to get VERY frustrated with the aiprot system in India and when I was returning from the Delhi--I probably should've been arrented with as much cursing as I was doing to security.  Quick eplanation--I had printed out my boarding pass online so that I can save time having to wait in the ticket line.  Well, I apparently Delhi requires you to get your web boarding pass stamped by a ticket agent--how f'ed up is that??  I told the security agent that the whole point of printing out a web boarding pass was to bypass the ticket counter.  He just kept saying "Sorry sir, but that is the rule." I was FURIOUS...I reached into the xray machine and pulled out my laptop and bag and then proceeded to walk straight through those ropes that are set up to form lines.  I just kept swinging my arms up and unlatcing everyone as I walked back to the ticket counter.  Looking back, not the smartest thing I've done, but damn did it feel good!!

I was in Bangalore for the 4th of July, but as I said, I didn't get off work ;-).  I did treat myself to Taco Bell that night to celebrate the 4th.

I'm sure you can find these in the states as well, but one day I was shopping and came across them and HAD to buy a bag.  They are amazing! --

Last blog I added a section called "Key Finds", well this week I'm adding a section calling out things I miss back in the states:
- Ability to drink water out of the tap
- Not having to worry about the power going out for an hour or two at a time EVERY day
- I actually miss driving...and specifically, I miss listening to my country music.  My current car doesn't even have a radio ;-).
- A towels that I've washed/hang to dry are feeling more like sandpaper than cotton.  The fact that they don't have dryers in India, well, I don't think I'll ever get used to that. 
- ALL my friends and family...and Chewy!
 My brother and sister-n-law were watching Chewy one weekend and Loren apparently didn't leave his side...even when he was sleeping!

Deep-ak Thoughts by Keith--
Whoever calculated, and then came up with the fact that we spend almost 50% of our lives waiting in lines, obviously wasn't talking about India.  I bet the farm that Indian's would spend almost 85% of their lives waiting in lines. 

Have a good couple weeks...until next time, take care!

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